Mama, I woke up this morning
and the road was gone
empty, void
It was simply not there
But what happened to the road?
I’ve asked the birds
I’ve asked the sun
I’ve asked the moon
what happened to the road?
We are surprised Mama
really surprised
because the road just took a walk
but how do we walk without the road Mama?
Where did the road go?
We are stranded
So Mama,
why should the road just take a walk?
My son, replied Mama
the road travels when you are in the dark
when your inner light ceases to light your path
what good is there in a journey
where there lies no path?
My son
the road travels
when we take the wrong turns
and we don’t know where to go
the road only takes us
where we foresee
My son
the road travels
when the paths once clear seems shrouded
My son
the road travels when there no road signs
and the traveller seeks one
My son
the road you must find
lies within you
you will find it
when you light up the streets of your heart
My son
the road is tricky
a straight road bends
a winding road can become straight
My son
the road travels
when you get to the cross roads
and you try walking in all directions
My son
the road travels
at the junction of fate and faith
at the point where hope is birthed
where promises bloom
and expectations bud
where the fruits of patience ripen
and the long wait end
So look my son
the road never took a walk
foresight births steering
your inner compass will lead you
as you walk the path that lies within